Your Insurance Service Center Since 1955
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Customer Support
Please call Cheektowaga Agency, Inc. during business hours, Monday through Friday 09:00am-05:00pm, for any policy questions or claims. If you have to call after regular business hours, call insurance company we placed you through for service or claims. Most companies have 24/7 customer support.
Company Customer Support Phone Numbers:
NYCM New York Central Mutual:
Billing or Claims. Available 24/7
Progressive: Claims: 1-800-274-4499 Available 24/7
Progressive customer service: 1-800-876-5581
Travelers: Claims: 1-800-252-4633 Available 24/7
Travelers Billing & Policy Service: 1-800-842-5075
Merchants Insurance Group: Claims 08:00 am- 5:00 pm Monday-Friday 1-800-952-5246 or
1-888-644-6680 after hours emergency. Customer Support: 1-800-462-1077
Adirondack Insurance Exchange:
National General: Customer Service 1-888-293-5108, Claims 1-800-325-1088
Safeco: Claims, Policy Support : 1-800-332-3226
Chautauqua Patrons Insurance Company: Customer Service 716-664-5813
Foremost: Claims: 1-800-527-3907
Billing: 1-800-532-4221 Monday-Fri. 9am- 8pm ET.